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Freedom Servers specialize in designing custom websites.
Email or Call for a quote
Here are just a few samples - click on images below to view actual website.
Graphic Design
Custom Graphics Work (ex. Logo concepts)* $125 - 175+ per image
Photo/Graphics Scanning First 10 scans $15/ea, additional scans $8/ea
Flash Intro/Flash Navigation* $550 - 950+
*Price increases with complexity
Note: These prices do not include base cost of design. We will supply you with an estimated design cost after meeting with you so that we can determine your specific needs.

Meetings $75 per hour. First meeting is complimentary.
Consulting by Phone $50 first half-hour, $25 each additional half-hour
(General questions or problems are free of charge)
Training $125/hour
E-MailFree of charge (Response time under 24 hours)

Monthly Maintenance / Changes / Updates $75/hour
Website Marketing $125/hour.
SEO & SEM $125/hour
Social Marketing$125/hour